This is my personal web page devoted to alternative lifestyle.
Everything you can find here are my personal opinions, some of them are based
on other's experiences. Do not take it as a template to judge our community
or as the only right way in the world of dominance and submission. There are
much more opinions of BDSM lifestyle than people who live in that way. It is
impossible to say what is the right way and what is not, because it can be
different for every person.
Use links on the left side to browse my pages or visit my favourite links.
My intention is to provide you with accurate information relating to BDSM. Links
mentioned on my pages were viewed and considered for quality before putting here.
(Of course they are selected accordingly to my point of view). If you think there are
not many of them, you are right. I do not want to create another Yahoo. I want to
put here only high quality sites, which are free.
Your remarks, notes, critics etc. are appreciated.
(I am not a native English speaker, so your corrections concerning
the language used here are welcome as well.)
Brno, the Czech Republic